Anil Prajapati

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Hi, Great that you have found this text inside this dark days. I am Anil Prajapati also called Anil Prajapati Newa.
I am Software Engineer, worked at GT-EX and Asmex Digital located in Sydney, Australia.
I have been working in different role or some say I were different hat in my organisation as Full stack developer, Server administrator, Backend developer and Dev Ops while working here.

Programming is what I do and what I love while any technology related stuff is my hobby. One of my major language are Python and PHP language which I use most of the time. Other languages I use at my work are Javascript with React Js. Another hobby is trying to automate works as much as possible and also advancing my knowledge of Python programming language. I have been doing some small projects and automation in python and some of the quick ones and interesting ones were with face recognition libraries and motion detection in python.

I am big fan of Open Source and I really like Linux. :D Even I use windows, as a part of Server Administrator role at work, I use WSL terminal a lot to maintain our linux servers, almost more than 8 servers to maintain. It is also one of my big hobby to learn and automate stuff with linux bash scripts. I have created so many ( so many as in more than 4 or 5 ) bash scripts to automate various works, to automate some productions works and also for myself while in development works.

Thank you for your time given to read my words. I hope I reflected myself here properly here ;)

Anil Prajapati Newa

Thats me as well